Export Panel

The Export Panel provides options to easily download data to a document (PDF), MS Excel (XLSX), or comma-separated values (CSV) file. The Title field will default to the name of the current datapp, or the name of the shortcut you are currently using. You can accept the default or customize it. The title will be displayed in the exported document and be used to name the file.

Export Panel

To open the Export Panel, click on the Export icon in the Control panel.

Next, enter a Title for your document. This will be used for the title on the document and the name of the file.

Spreadsheet (.xlsx)

Document (.pdf)

Document Export Tips

If the data doesn't fit on a single page there are few options.

Spreadsheet (.xlsx)

Data (.csv)

Use this option when you need to export data to a CSV format for compatibility with other applications or systems. CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files are widely supported across various platforms and software, making them a versatile choice for data interchange. By exporting data to CSV, you can easily share information with colleagues or import data into different software applications. Additionally, CSV files are lightweight and can efficiently store large datasets, making them ideal for transferring bulk data while preserving its structure and integrity. * To access additional options, click on the down arrow icon. These options include: 1. First row contains column names - Select this option if you want the column names included in the export. 2. Include hidden columns - Select this option if you want the download to include all columns that are currently hidden in the Display Panel. 3. Include criteria - Select this option if you want to include criteria used for filtering the data. 4. Format column names - Select this option when you want the column headers or names to be formatted using titles instead of the fieldname. 5. Format values - Select this option when you want the values to be formatted, for example, adding commas to a numeric value. 6. Click on the Download button to complete your export. The file will be available in the default download location on your computer.

Web (.md)

Use this option when you want to export data to a .md (Markdown) format for easy publishing on the web. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows users to format text using simple syntax, making it ideal for creating content for websites, blogs, or documentation. By exporting data to Markdown, you can quickly generate web-friendly content without the need for complex HTML formatting. * To access additional options, click on the down arrow icon. These options include: 1. Include report title - Select this option if you want a title included in your web document. 2. Include criteria - Select this option if you want to include criteria used for filtering the data to be displayed in the web document. 3. Include stylesheet - Select this option if you want use the Simpler stylesheet options to format headers, tables, borders, etc. 4. Click on the Download button to complete your export. The file will be available in the default download location on your computer.

You can easily link your dataset to another application such as Excel or Power BI using the Create Link button on the Export Panel.

To open the Export Panel, click on the Export icon in the Control panel.

Create Link button Click on the "Create Link" button. Simpler will open a panel that includes:

Create Link URL and credentials

Linking to a Worksheet

Please note that these instructions are specific to Microsoft Excel. The process may vary for different spreadsheet programs or applications. Refer to the user guide for your application, e.g. Excel or Power BI, for more information.

  1. Create a new worksheet where you want the data to be stored.
  2. Navigate to the "Data" tab in the Ribbon.

Excel Get & Transform Data

  1. In the "Get & Transform Data" section, click on the "From Web" button.
  2. Ensure the "Basic" option is selected.

Excel From Web dialog

  1. Paste the URL into the form and click "OK".
  2. Select the Basic option in the left side of the dialog box and enter the provided credentials when prompted.

Excel From Web dialog

  1. In the option box for 'Select which level to apply these settings to', click on the down arrow and select the full url for the Export. It defaults to the main site URL and you want only the specific export.
  2. A Navigator window opens. Select the Data option and then click Load.

Excel Navigator dialog

  1. You can now work with the data as you would with any linked data source.