Control Panels

You can locate the Control Panel icons in the top right corner of the page. Each Icon will activate a panel on the right side of the page for advanced navigation features, additional information, or to provide feedback and ask questions. Once you make your selection, the Panel will automatically close or, you can close it by clicking on the x in the top right.

Icon Control Panel Description
Navigate Icon Navigate The Navigate Panel can be used for applying Filters, Groups, Aggregation, and Sorting.
Shortcuts Icon Shortcuts The Shortcuts panel will list Personal Shortcuts that you have created and Public Shortcuts that are created for everyone to use.
Create/Update Shortcuts Icon Create/Update Shortcuts The Create / Update Shortcuts Panel is used to Create, Update, Delete and set Default Shortcuts.
Actions Icon Actions The Actions Panel will list any Actions that are available after one or more rows of data are selected. If there are no actions available, the icon will be grayed out and you will not be able to click on it.
Export Icon Export The Export Panel provides options to download data in three different formats: PDF, MS Excel, CSV.
Share Icon Share The Share Panel provides a link that you can use to send to other users and a link that can be shared as a filter with other datapps.
Info Icon Info The Info Panel provides links to the User Guide.
Feedback Icon Feedback The Feedback Panel provides a form that allows users to report bugs, request enhancements, and ask questions.